Monday, March 3, 2014

Happy One Month Birthday Davis!

I can't believe it has already been a is hard to believe what our lives were like without you.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday River Walk

We took advantage of the 75 degree weather and finally headed out with the little man for an excursion to the river walk. We enjoyed walking and sitting in the park. Davis even tried to keep up with the beat of the drums in the video below!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Welcome to the world Davis Robert Gillig!

8 days late, he finally made his debut! Born on February, 3, 2014 at 6:46 p.m. weighting 7 lbs 13 oz and 21 inches long.

We love you Davis Robert Gillig!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Summer Goodbyes

This summer was unfortunately one of many very sad goodbyes. I think because of these goodbyes I have been dreading updating the blog as I felt like I needed to have some long farewell post to each one. Instead, as maybe I am being chicken, I am going to try and make this quick as there is really no way to write and explain how each of these losses has affected me.

I dreaded the day when I would have to say goodbye to each of these but never thought it would be in a 3 months time span.

First, is Mr. Jack who went to Rainbow Road on May 6, 2013. After 10 years of this guy being an intregal part of my every day routine due to his chronic kidney disease, Jack and I together decided it was finally time to say goodbye. I will spare you on the whole story, as it really was the most traumatic thing I have ever had to do.  I will miss you and your snuggles and still think of you everyday.

The day after Jack left, I was sitting crying on the upstairs porch while it was raining and as the rain stopped Jack showed me he had made it to Rainbow Road. I have no doubt this was a sign from my buddy.

My second goodbye was on July 19, 2013 to my friend Addison. Many people have heard of my 7 year old friend that I  met just after I got back from my honeymoon. Addison...known better as Super Addison, may have had liver cancer but she was one of the strongest people I have ever met. I visited her when she was inpatient at Children's, we became close friends over Portillos cheese fries and making lip singing videos. Although only 7 we texted often, "FaceTimed" and just made each other laugh and always left giving each other a pinky swear promise that no matter what we would keep smiling. Addison was also a huge fan of lady bugs...she had everything and anything lady bug! Although gone, her Super Addison powers remain here and she truly is famous as she always wanted to be!

The night of Addisons wake I was cleaning my house and all of a sudden happened to look up and noticed this sign from Addison on the wall in my foyer. Once again, another reminder that she made it to rock star heaven and that we should all always keep smiling.

Things really do come in 3's and the 3rd was a farewell to my grandma Gan Gan on August 4, 2013. At 98 years old we had openly talked about when this day would come yet it still did not make it any easier. We talked regularly and she was far from your ordinary 98 year old grandma. She also "Facetimed" was an avid Words With Friends player and even was on Facebook. She was not just a grandma but one of my best friends. Our last real long conversation was about a week before she passed and we talked together on how lucky we were that she was around through some of my biggest life changes and celebrations (engagement, wedding, baby news). She was so excited about the upcoming baby and we were both excited to find out if it was going to be a boy or girl. I ended up getting back from her funeral the night before my ultrasound. Although, I could no longer call her Monday night to tell her the baby boy news I know she knows that the blue baby blanket she had made is the one that will be mine. We will miss her laugh, love and spunk and can only hope we all have her genes!

Just like my other goodbyes, Gan Gan paid us a visit as well a few days after we got back from the funeral. After having trying to get hummingbirds on our porch, one all of a sudden appeared, and appeared on the flower baskets that didn't have the hummingbird food.

There were many a sad days this summer but at the same time days being reminded to keep smiling and laughing, that age is just a number and to love and be good to those you are with...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Zoo Time

Brent and I love the zoo. We frequently would run through the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago and so when we heard there was a really nice zoo here in Columbia we were thrilled.

We finally went and it was great! It might not have the backdrop of the Chicago skyline but it did have much closer animal experiences which I loved. The main one is that you can feed the giraffes. They eat right out of your hand. Of course, they had just finished eating when we got there but we were still able to say hello quickly before they wandered off for their nap. The best part, it is only 5 minutes from our house so next time you can be certain I will get their in time to feel the tall guys!

This little guy kept falling asleep sitting up and then would suddenly wake just before his head hit the ground. So funny, but I know how you feel little man.

 Brent like child, so excited about his Icee.

 So close! Next time I will feed you...

 There is also a kangaroo park where you walk in and literally walk right by the kangaroos, no fence or anything. They were all taking their siesta so didn't get to see any hopping but maybe next time.

And no Zoo is complete without the elephants. 

Great time we will be back again soon furry friends!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Showering Em

For the past six months I have been planning my sister in law, Emily's wedding shower. Of course, the day we were supposed to leave to drive to Columbus I got the stomach flu and was unable to make it.

Although I was not able to be there in person the things I had planned (along with the other hosts) were, and they all turned out great. I am looking forward to celebrating Emily and Jason at their wedding in just a month!

 My gift. Yellow wedding bowl from Peachtree. She got me mine for my wedding so it was only right to return the favor.

Wildflower centerpieces created by Debbie,  Brenda and Mary Feikle. Great job ladies!

 Cookbook guest book, a tie to her time living in Charleston.

 Favors placed on the place settings

 Bridesmaids minus myself.

 Mini cupcakes Aunt Debbie got, they are so cute.

 No, I did not make this sign. That is what Etsy is for. 

 Bride and Mother of the Bride.

 All 55 guets. Emily is loved by many! 

The other hosts, Aunt Debbie, Brenda Clark and Aunt Laurie.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Parental Approval

Finally my Mom and Dad came to visit the weekend after Matt and Stacey (May was a month of visitors and we loved it!).

I have been spoiled most of my life living only 30 minutes away from my parents, so now that we are a plane ride away I have been counting down till they got here for their first visit.

We have gotten pretty settled in our home but once my parents arrived, and loved everything, I definitely felt a sigh of relief and reconfirmation (not that I really need it!) that moving was the right choice for us! Now, if only my Dad would go on and retire and they would move to Charleston I would be a happy camper!

They got in Thursday night and Brent was still out of town (ironically he had been staying with them in Chicago earlier in the week) and we went for a casual dinner at Mr. Friendly's which I think is my favorite little restaurant here so far. Friday, Saturday and Sunday was spent going to Home Depot numerous times (5 to be exact!), getting plants, hanging pictures, grilling out with my cousin Scott, the local farmer markets, discovering local folk artist Ernest Lee aka "The Chicken Man", dinner at Motor Supply, dessert at Nonnah's and just enjoying the nice weather.

Only 6 weeks till we are all together again at the beach in Charleston - can't wait.

 Our new umbrella and patio lights. Makes a huge difference! 
 Friday night grilling with family.

 Columbia farmers market on Saturday morning on Main Street. 

 The "Chicken Man's" store...otherwise known as an empty parking lot. 

 Planting flowers with Mom.

 Dessert at Nonnah's (second weekend in a row!). So good!

 Porches looking a lot prettier with our new flag and plants thanks to my parents.

More flowers...let's hope I can keep them alive!